

The Yes Retreat

Two days of playful connection designed to reawaken your imagination and help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your family – so you can create and say ‘YES’ to a powerful vision, values, and plan for your lives together.

Chances are you’re here because you’re ready for an immediate shift in your family.

Maybe you’re feeling disconnected, are struggling to disconnect from screens, or are looking for ways to reawaken a natural sense of play and creativity. If that’s you, you’ve come to the right place. It’s time to give yourself and your family your best YES. 

The Yes Retreat (available as a group experience with other families or as a private intensive) is an in-person experience for families with children ages 5+, to help you more rapidly understand one another, develop a family vision, and immediately begin saying ‘yes’ to your vision – and to each other.

TheYes Retreat is for families who…

Are swirling with intensity and busy-ness – yet starving for deeper presence, purpose, and connection

Are brave enough to disrupt broken generational narratives to create a different future for their family

Want to reawaken a spirit of creativity and play that is detached from screens and distractions

Play is how we become – and rediscover – who we are.

Research shows that how children play, particularly between the ages of 10 to 14, is a portal into how they will show up in relationships as adults. At Renala, we believe relational health is the foundation for physical, mental, and emotional health, which means play leads to better health outcomes for children and adults. 

By playfully exploring who you are and creating a vision alongside your family, you unlock the sustainable mindsets and habits you’ve previously struggled to change, enabling each of you to step into your unique Zone of Genius.

Accelerate your family’s growth through the power of play.

Research also shows that play shortens the path to learning and growth. Learning by traditional methods can take up to 400 repetitions, while learning through play takes only 10 to 20 repetitions.

That’s why play is central to the Yes Retreat. It’s not only key for engaging your children in the process, it’s key for all of you in accelerating the change you long for.

The Yes Retreat provides all of the resources and support you need to…


Leverage the intense focus of 2.5 days of facilitated time + the power of play to move your family forward, faster toward the life you want to create.


From Lego builds to art, games, and more, re-learn rhythms of play that are natural and unforced as you learn more about yourself and your family.


By engaging in Renala’s unique Yes Week process, you’ll return home with the clarity and confidence you need to say ‘yes’ to your family vision – every day. 

There are two ways to experience the Yes Retreat…

in community

Group Retreat

At a resort on Walt Disney World property, join 3-4 other families in a group Yes Retreat experience

your family + coach

Private Intensive

Work 1:1 as a family at the Anderson family home in Winter Garden, Florida (Orlando area)

You’ll return home from the Yes Retreat with…

Stronger systems of support for one another, creating a family culture of interdependence

A deeper understanding of your individual and family identity, Strengths, needs, values, and play personalities

A new approach to play in your family that doesn't feel forced - but natural, intentional, and fun

Lasting solutions to persistent and pressing conflict or challenges

Ways of speaking to and relating to your spouse or partner and children that are judgment-free and productive

Greater emotional, mental, and physical health for your family

Empowerment to create a legacy of growth and change that will break the cycle of unhealthy generational patterns - and yield positive impact for generations

Meet Your Guide

Brittany Anderson

I am the wife of a newly retired Air Force One pilot and a mom to two active children, ages 13 and 11. Amid frequent moves, deployments, and nearly going through a painful divorce in 2019, coaching and transformational work saved our family. Our lives are the ultimate proof that Renala’s approaches work. If our family can experience such joy, presence, connection, and vision amid the chaos – then anyone can.

I am a certified transformational coach, CliftonStrengths strategist, and facilitator who, over nearly 20 years, led vision and strategy development and transformational initiatives for dozens of the most well-known non-profits, companies, and government agencies.

I bring all of that experience as the founder of Renala, developing playful and powerful retreats and experiences that enable families to transform the ways they understand and relate to one another, work together, and lead at home, work, and school.

Brittany gets this stuff at such a deep level, better than any marriage/family therapist or counselor you might go to. She’s made me think differently and deeper in many ways that I coach the men in my program, and she brings a lot of what so many call unorthodox modalities into her practice like play – and I can tell you, it works. 

– Joel Aylworth, Human Performance Coach, Founder of Limitless Fathers

World-changing leadership begins at home.

The majority of what you give your time to, including your career or business, won’t last forever, but your family & legacy will.
The Family Circle will help you ‘cultivate the constants’ and step into a life of deeper joy, connection, and purpose.

Still have questions?

Here’s what other families have asked before choosing to enroll….

When will we start?

We will kick off virtually with your Family Strengthscape coaching at least one month prior to your retreat date.

The Yes Retreat will kick off with a special dinner in our home in the beautiful town of Winter Garden, Florida, the evening before the first full day of your retreat. After completing the two-day Yes Retreat, your family will launch into your personal Yes Week (or Yes Day or Weekend).

Will this work for my family?

As a retired military family that has thrived amid intense uncertainty and chaos over 20+ years, we’ve seen firsthand the power of our processes and tools to support families. We believe that if our family can do it, then any family can. 

We believe there’s no greater leadership development program than the one you take on with your family. There’s no shortage of coaching programs that focus on one person or one specific problem, and that’s a missed opportunity because no one experiences you as deeply as your spouse or partner and children. You are mirrors for each other. By participating in this process together, you gain a far greater return-on-investment that yields freedom and focus not only at home, but transforms the way each of you leads at work, school, and in your community.

How will it work having kids a part of this process?

No doubt, kids add an extra layer of complexity to any experience 😅 Play is foundational to the Yes Retreat not only because it’s a powerful way to accelerate the process of integrating your identity, vision, and values into your family – it’s also essential to keeping your children engaged.

We also take frequent breaks during the day, including a two-hour eat and play break at lunch. We’ll hit the pool, zip around on a golf cart, and have add some surprises along the way! Still, we realize kids are kids, and that’s OK. We will do everything we can to make up for any lost time and adjust the schedule to your family’s needs.

One or more of my children is younger than five. Can we still participate?

Yes! While the retreat experience is only for school-aged children (ages 5 and above), we are happy to help you arrange local child care in our community with one of our trusted partners. 

I'm a single parent. Am I able to join?

Absolutely! We welcome you and would love to support your family.

Curious if the Yes Retreat is right for your family?

Fill out this brief inquiry form, and we’ll be in touch with you soon!

Relationship Status
What style of retreat are you interested in?


Friday, September 15, 2023, 12pm ET

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Tuesday, September 19, 2023, 8pm ET

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Friday, September 22, 2023, 12pm ET

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Friday, September 29, 2023, 3pm ET

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