About Brittany
In the entry way of my home, I have a sign that reads, “If you want to change the world, go home and love your family.” This quote from Mother Teresa is an ever-present reminder that my most important work and deepest growth is in my closest relationships, namely my marriage and motherhood. How I show up in these relationships has implications for my leadership in my business and every other relationship in my life.
World-changing leadership begins at home.
I’m Brittany Anderson, a certified transformational coach and the founder of Renala.
Renala was birthed out of my own story of pain and struggle in my family. As the spouse of a recently retired Air Force pilot, the frequent moves and deployments over the last 20 years have required tremendous sacrifices in terms of my relationships and career.
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In 2019, I had to reinvent myself so many times that I didn’t even recognize who I was. I felt I had no choice but to give up: I left my nonprofit job, asked my husband for a divorce, and became increasingly disconnected from my two children – and from myself.
While I did talk therapy, it wasn’t enough – and in many ways was counterproductive because it kept me stuck in a victim state. It wasn’t until I began working with a coach in late 2019 that I began to ask bolder questions of myself, discovered more deeply who I am, restored my marriage and family, and learned that I, too, had an innate gift for coaching.
I’m now a certified transformational coach and facilitator who, over nearly 20 years, led vision and strategy development and transformational initiatives for dozens of the most well-known non-profits, companies, and government agencies.
I now bring all of this experience – as well as my unique Strengths and story – to Renala, developing playful and powerful coaching tools and experiences that enable families to transform the ways they understand and relate to one another, work together, and lead at home, work, and school.
What would begin to shift if you made an investment in your family and in yourself?

Renala, in the Madagascar language of Malagasy, means Mother of the Forest, representing the magnificent Baobab trees that are iconic across Africa. The Renala tree is also known as the Tree of Life.
These incredible, massive trees create their own ecosystems and thrive in dry and arid climates, a symbol of hope and possibility in landscapes where little can survive. This makes the Renala tree a powerful metaphor for your family’s ability to create a world-changing ecosystem that breaks the cycle of generational pain and trauma, challenges cultural narratives, and yields presence, joy, and connection for your family – and generations who follow.
take the next step
Sign up for the FREE 5-Day Family Vision Challenge
In just 10-ish minutes a day over five days, work through powerful exercises and an on-demand video series to identify the hidden barriers holding you back from greater presence and joy with the people you love most – and a simple framework for creating a vision and strategy for your lives together.

Book a free Renala Roadmap Discovery Call
In just 20-30 minutes, we’ll work together to assess the areas in your personal or family life that aren’t working and chart a clear plan for how you, your spouse or partner, and children can better understand and support one another through a family identity and vision.