
define what having it all means to you


You know you were made for more. Yet it’s hard to see the possibility of more beyond the hustle of marriage, motherhood, full- or part-time work, and the other unique demands women face.

Instead, women tend to live in when and then:

When I have higher pay or more paid leave …

When my kids go off to school or college …

When my spouse or partner pitches in more …

When my caregiving responsibilities subside …

then, I’ll be able to create the life I want.”


At Renala, we believe women really can have it all – a bold vision for yourself, your family, and your career that doesn’t have to wait for a future season of life to become possible.


When you sign up, you’ll receive a link to the Have It All Assessment, a tried-and-true process for identifying the results you want (WOW), your current reality, and the roadblocks you face in making your WOW possible NOW. In addition to the assessment, you’ll receive journaling prompts every morning for 14 days, enabling you to deepen in the results of your assessment, yielding the clarity you need to make your bold vision possible in THIS season of your life. 

thE ASSESSMENT is for women who…

Find yourself living in when & then as it relates to your vision for yourself, your family, and career

Believe you’re made for more in this season of your life, yet can’t seem to get unstuck

Need clarity on a next step to take in your personal life, family, and/or career

Woman, you really can have it all,

when you define what it is.

It begins with your being,

who you are when all else is stripped away.

From your first breath,

you were loved, treasured, 

before you succeeded or failed,

before you ever did anything. 

Yet you’ve bought into the lie that you can’t have it all.

Systems and ceilings working against you,

The comparisons, the shoulds,

leave you frantic, overwhelmed,

void of the possibility that there’s more,

that it could be within arms reach.

Take courage, dear woman.

Shattering the ceilings begins

within yourself.

When you make the decision to move

from frantic to focused,

resentful to resourceful,

ashamed to appreciative,

overwhelmed to overjoyed.

Only then do you discover,

It was there all along.

It was you.

Whole. Healed. Human.


Meet Brittany Anderson

I’m a certified transformational coach, business and innovation strategist, and brand storyteller. My 18+ years of experience includes work with organizations like World Vision, USAID, Atlantic Media, Paralyzed Veterans of America, and dozens of U.S. federal agencies and global governments, helping individuals and teams forge a path toward personal, organizational, and global change.

I’m proof that women can have it all. I’m an active military spouse to a husband who is gone frequently, and a mother to two active children (ages 12 & 10). I also work as a senior leader at a consulting firm, and own and operate a business. I have more on my plate than ever, and yet, my energy, focus, and joy are abundant. 

Through significant investments in my own coaching and personal development, I went from a place of significant burnout, overwhelm, and resentment, to a place of focus, resourcefulness, and joy. I believe the same is possible for every Renala woman.

What if you really can have it all?

Saying women can’t have it all implies that men can. The challenge is that most – men and women included – never get around to defining what having it all means to them personally. As a result, comparison, resentment, and a host of other emotions surface, leaving you void of the possibility that what you want may actually be accessible to you.


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