

Learn the common barriers holding you back from greater presence and joy at home and at work – and a simple framework to overcome them!


It’s because, too often, you feel guilty about it. On top of that, you’re exhausted.

You chase after culture’s elusive definition of what it means to have it all, feeling it’s only achievable if you hustle harder and say ‘yes’ to all that your work, family, and societal cultures demand of you as a woman. The result: you have no time, energy, or space to even think about the life you actually want – let alone go after it.

What might shift if you had just one hour of focused, guided time to design a short and long view of a future that not only freed you from the mom guilt – but got you focused, energized, and excited?

Unlock freedom from mom guilt

In addition to a free workbook with powerful exercises and frameworks, this free workshop will provide you:

– Clarity on the hidden blockers keeping you stuck in the cycle of overwhelm, guilt, and unfulfillment.

– A simple yet powerful roadmap for identifying the most pressing gaps between your current reality and your vision for a more mindful family and work life.

– A clear plan with immediate strategies to make the fulfilling, present, and joyful life you long for possible for yourself, your family, and your mission.

Meet Brittany Anderson

Your Facilitator + Renala Coaching Founder

Brittany is a certified transformational coach, facilitator, and a former nonprofit/corporate brand and marketing leader. The founder of Renala Coaching, Brittany’s unique models and frameworks enable working moms and families to create powerful visions, better understand themselves and one another, solve persistent conflict and challenges, and unlock more presence, joy, and fulfillment.

Brittany is proof that women really can have it all. She is the spouse of an active duty Air Force pilot and a mom to two active children, ages 13 and 10. Amid frequent moves, deployments, and having to creatively advocate for and build her career, Brittany has unlocked the tools and mindsets required for women to level up their leadership and step into a bold vision for themselves, their families, and their work. And it all begins with knowing and aligning your life with who you are.


“This challenged me to create the world I want for myself and my family, rather than waiting for it to happen to me.”

– Monica –

“This workshop was a game-changer. It taught me to think differently than I ever have before.”

– Veronica –

I’ve been on this ‘back to myself’ journey, so this session was so helpful to keep me on track.”

– Andrea –

Too many working moms struggle with ‘mom guilt.’ It holds you back not only from the impact you long to have, but also from modeling for your kids what it looks like to confidently say ‘yes’ to yourself.

This free workshop with Renala will help you identify why you personally struggle with ‘mom guilt’ and enable you to break free from it – for good – so you can unlock the life of joy and impact you long for.

© 2023 Renala Coaching™ All Rights Reserved. 


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