


Learn how to support and champion the unique Strengths and needs of  yourself and each member of your family – so each of you can grow into your Zone of Genius and activate your Family Superpower.

You and each member of your family are truly unique. It’s time to stop shrinking yourselves into a box and gain the tools you need to step into your Zones of Genius.

We often think of our children as mirror images of ourselves. We also think our spouse or partner should see and know things just as we do. In both instances, we have no idea how much we’re limiting their growth and impact – as well as our own. 

Renala’s Strengthscape is a 4-week coaching program for your entire family that enables you to better understand and support one another through the lens of your unique Strengths

Strengthscape is for families who…

Want to better understand how each member of the family is uniquely gifted – so you can build stronger systems of support

Are longing for tools that can help you better identify and solve conflict patterns and support each other’s unique needs

Want to step into a unique purpose and vision that leverages their collective Family Superpower

The likelihood you share your top 5 CliftonStrengths themes in the same order as someone else is 1 in 33 million.

Your children are different from you. Your spouse or partner is different from you. Your unique Strengths – combined with your story – make each of you truly one of a kind. 

Strengthscape provides all of the resources and support you need to…


Access unique training tools that provide you unique insights into the top CliftonStrengths themes of each member of your family.  


Learn what your Strengths reveal about what you each of you need most – and identify likely pitfalls that can lead to conflict.


Discover how you can combine your family’s Strengths into a powerful vision for how you want to impact others. 

Your family is a Superpower. And what makes you unique is a gift to each other and the world.

Think of the movie, The Incredibles. Each member of the Parr family has their own unique superpower, and yet they all combine together to make an Incredible family that saves the world. 

With Renala’s Strengthscape, that’s what we’ll be doing for your family – identifying what is unique about each of you and combining that into a powerful vision and superpower. 

Here’s what’s included when you enroll in Strengthscape

A tailored Strengthscape report for each member of your family who is age 5+, detailing the unique contributions, needs, and overuse patterns for each of your top Strengths

A Strengthscape Mapping Board for your entire family + an on-demand video training on how to use it

Two one-hour coaching calls (one for couple + one for entire family) to complete the Strengthscape Mapping Board + ask questions

A printable Strengthscape Story template to display in your home

A $297 discount on a future Yes Retreat with Renala

Meet Your Guide

Brittany Anderson

I am the wife of a newly retired Air Force One pilot and a mom to two active children, ages 13 and 11. Amid frequent moves, deployments, and nearly going through a painful divorce in 2019, coaching and transformational work saved our family. Our lives are the ultimate proof that Renala’s approaches work. If our family can experience such joy, presence, connection, and vision amid the chaos – then anyone can.

I am a certified transformational coach, CliftonStrengths strategist, and facilitator who, over nearly 20 years, led vision and strategy development and transformational initiatives for dozens of the most well-known non-profits, companies, and government agencies.

I bring all of that experience as the founder of Renala, developing playful and powerful retreats, coaching, and experiences that enable families to transform the ways they understand and relate to one another, work together, and lead at home, work, and school.

Brittany gets this stuff at such a deep level, better than any marriage/family therapist or counselor you might go to. She’s made me think differently and deeper in many ways that I coach the men in my program, and she brings a lot of what so many call unorthodox modalities into her practice like play – and I can tell you, it works. 

– Joel Aylworth, Human Performance Coach, Founder of Limitless Fathers

Enroll in Strengthscape

Enroll now in Family Strengthscape for a special price of two payments of $297!  

Invest in Your Family



World-changing leadership begins at home.

The majority of what you give your time to, including your career or business, won’t last forever, but your family & legacy will.
Strengthscape will help you ‘cultivate the constants’ and step into a life of deeper joy, connection, and purpose.

Still have questions?

Here’s what other families have asked before choosing to enroll….

We have significant challenges in our family. Will this program work for us?

We believe no matter the challenges you have in your family, EVERY family needs a vision, a deeper understanding of and compassion for one another, and support to make your vision possible. While we provide you a wealth of resources and support, keep in mind that you and your family still have to show up and do the work. We can’t do it for you.

As a now retired military family that has thrived amid intense uncertainty and chaos over 20+ years, we’ve seen firsthand the power of Strengths work to support individuals and families. We believe that if our family can do it, then any family can.

Do we need to complete an assessment prior to participating?

Once you enroll, you’ll receive instructions on how to complete the CliftonStrengths assessment for each member of your family – if you have not completed it already. Once completed, you will share your results with your Renala coach, and we’ll immediately get to work providing your tailored Strengthscape report and Strengthscape Mapping Board, and on-demand training. 

What ages do our kids need to be to participate?

Strengthscape is designed for families and their children who are 5+. Babies and toddlers are still always welcome in our coaching calls – and will be fully participating before you know it! 

When do the calls take place?

You select your call dates and times based on what works best for your schedule. That includes evening and weekend times, if needed.

How long does the program last?

While the content can be completed in as little as 2 weeks, you have up to three months to complete the program. You’ll also receive a 30-minute follow-up coaching call three months after you complete the program.

How will it work to have my entire family involved?

You’ll receive one coaching call for you as a couple, as well as one coaching call for your family. On that call, we work to engage your entire family, but we understand that kids are kids. We give you all the tools you need to engage your family either on the call – or after. 

I'm a single parent. Am I able to participate in this?

Absolutely! We welcome you and would love to support your family.

What if my family needs additional support?

Renala offers a variety of programs to support families. To go deeper, you’re welcome to explore our Family Circle group coaching program, as well as our 2.5-day group Yes Retreats or private intensives. By registering for Strengthscape, you automatically receive a $297 discount on a Yes Retreat.

Enroll in Strengthscape

Enroll now in Family Strengthscape for a special price of two payments of $297!  

Invest in your Family




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