
Your Self-Care Strategy

Next Workshop: February 15, 2023 // 8-9 p.m. ET

If you’re a female leader and mom or caregiver who is feeling overwhelmed or burnt out balancing your work, family, and other commitments, you’ve probably thought deeper, more intentional self-care is the solution. Yet you may find that deepening in your self-care comes with guilt, distraction, or other unproductive emotions, lessening the effectiveness of the activity.

What if there was a better way – to care for yourself and find more energy, focus, and joy – in your work, your family, and your closest relationships?

Deepen in Your Self Care

In this free LIVE workshop for women leaders, Brittany Anderson, certified transformational coach and owner of Renala Coaching, will unpack the #1 reason your self-care efforts are falling short of solving your overwhelm and burnout. Specifically, you will:

    • Define what authentic, effective self-care means to you personally.
    • Get clear on the mindsets you have around your self-care that prevent you from fully experiencing energy, focus, and joy as a result of these activities.
    • Identify action steps you can immediately implement to deepen in your self-care and transform your relationships.

Deepen in Community

Nothing is more world-changing than a community of women together on the journey toward deeper self-awareness, confident vulnerability, and authentic relationships. Collaborate with other powerful female leaders as you:

    • Learn how you and others relate to self-care.
    • Deepen in the collective wisdom of how other women are experiencing more energy, focus, and joy through authentic self-care.
    • Discover you’re not alone on the journey past guilt, shame, and false narratives about what it means to care for yourself as a woman.

Meet Brittany Anderson

I’m a certified transformational coach, business and innovation strategist, and brand storyteller. My 18+ years of experience includes work with organizations like World Vision, USAID, Atlantic Media, Paralyzed Veterans of America, and dozens of U.S. federal agencies and global governments, helping individuals and teams forge a path toward personal, organizational, and global change.

I’m proof that women can have it all. I’m an active military spouse to a husband who travels frequently, and a mother to two active children (ages 12 & 10). I also work as a senior leader at a consulting firm, and own and operate a business. I have more on my plate than ever, and yet, my energy, focus, and joy are abundant. 

Through significant investments in my own coaching and personal development, I went from a place of significant burnout, overwhelm, and resentment, to a place of focus, resourcefulness, and joy. I believe the same is possible for every Renala woman.

What if you really can have it all?

Having it all means having all of yourself – getting clear on who you are for yourself, your family, your work, and your most important relationships. Having it all means creating and pursuing a powerful vision for your work and family in this season of your life. How you show up at home has implications for how you show up at work, and vice versa. Addressing this reality is the foundation of your journey toward authentic self-care and having it all – and will completely transform your leadership and life. 

Countdown to Workshop








Can’t wait for the workshop?

Book a 15-minute, one-on-one JOY Audit with Renala’s Brittany Anderson, where we’ll assess the areas you’re feeling overwhelmed or burnt out and identify ways you can fast-track your energy, growth and joy at work and at home. 


Friday, September 15, 2023, 12pm ET

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Tuesday, September 19, 2023, 8pm ET

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Friday, September 22, 2023, 12pm ET

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Friday, September 29, 2023, 3pm ET

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