Stop hustling and start thriving – at home and at work. Design your life around a vision for yourself and your family that is rooted in who each of you uniquely are and the impact you long to have.
Coaching Programs
renala families
Build deeper connections, solve persistent conflict and challenges, and create a vision and strategy for your family that eliminates the hustle and overwhelm – so each of you can have it all.
Work one-on-one and together as a family with a Renala coach to create a powerful vision and strategy for your lives together. Our signature program, Renala Families facilitates a tried-and-true process for developing a strong family identity and set of core values. You’ll also work with your coach to understand your individual and collective Strengths – using CliftonStrengths 34 (adults) and Explorer (kids) – helping you better understand one another’s key contributions as well as individual needs and triggers. You’ll leave with a clearer understanding of who you are – individually and collectively – and a brilliant vision and strategy that enables each of you to feel you have it all.
Key Outcomes
- Clarity of individual and family identity, values, Strengths, needs, and triggers
- Development of a powerful vision for yourself and your family
- Strategies, systems, and accountability for saying “yes” to your vision every day
- Key solutions to persistent and pressing conflict and/or challenges (i.e. screen time, privilege, disconnection, etc.)
- Greater emotional, mental, and physical health for your family
- Model leadership at home, work, and school
- Community of support with other high-performing families
- More freedom, presence, and joy!
renala reveal
Make a powerful shift in your current reality – restore your marriage, break the cycle of intergenerational pain or trauma, lead your children with presence and confidence, or make a career change that yields more freedom and joy – so you can permanently solve burnout and be more present to all that matters most in your life.
This 1:1 coaching program is for working parents who believe the change they long for – in their personal life, family, or mission – can begin by changing themselves. Renala Reveal provides state-of-the-art transformational training, coaching, and tools to help you more deeply understand who you uniquely are – your identity, values, Strengths (using CliftonStrengths 34), needs and triggers – as the foundation for developing a bold vision for yourself, your family, and your mission that you are uniquely gifted to fulfill.
Key Outcomes
- Clarity of individual and family identity, values, Strengths, needs, and triggers
- Development of a powerful vision for yourself, your family, and your career
- Strategies, systems, and accountability for saying “yes” to your vision every day
- Key solutions to persistent and pressing conflict and/or challenges (i.e. marriage, motherhood, work relationships, etc.)
- Greater emotional, mental, and physical health for you and your family
- Masterful leadership at work and at home
- Community of support with other working parents
- More freedom, presence, and joy!
take the next step
Sign up for the FREE 5-Day Family Vision Challenge
In just 10-ish minutes a day over five days, work through powerful exercises and an on-demand video series to identify the hidden barriers holding you back from greater presence and joy with the people you love most – and a simple framework for creating a vision and strategy for your lives together.

Book a free Renala Roadmap Discovery Call
In just 20-30 minutes, we’ll work together to assess the areas in your personal or family life that aren’t working and chart a clear plan for how you, your spouse or partner, and children can better understand and support one another through a family identity and vision.

Renala provides you and your family with the tools and coaching you need to more deeply understand yourselves and one another – your unique identity, Strengths, needs, triggers, values, and more – enabling you to solve persistent conflict and challenges, better advocate and support one another’s needs, build deeper connections, and design a thrilling vision and strategy for your lives together.
Renala, in the Madagascar language of Malagasy, means “Mother of the Forest,” representing the magnificent Baobab trees that are iconic across Africa. These incredible, massive trees create their own ecosystems, making them a powerful metaphor for your family’s ability to create a world-changing ecosystem that rises above generational pain and trauma, challenges cultural narratives, and yields presence, joy, and connection – for your family and everyone you impact.