
Design a joyful, present, and thrilling life for you and your family

Playful retreats and transformational experiences that enable your family to better understand yourselves and each other - so you can step into a bold vision and strategy for your lives.

World-changing leadership begins at home.

Renala is on a mission to help more than one million parents and children step into interdependence and genius leadership through the development of a powerful family identity, vision, and values.

Too many parents have followed paths that – at least partially – have fulfilled others’ expectations of us. Without uprooting the broken narratives and beliefs we’ve developed as a result of not fully knowing who we are, we subconsciously lead our children on a similar path as our own, where our identity, worth, and purpose are rooted in what we do or have, instead of who we truly are.

It’s time to break the cycle. At Renala, we are obsessed with helping parents and families playfully collaborate in a powerful process of self-discovery as they develop a vision for the future they want to create. 

Renala, in the Madagascar language of Malagasy, means Mother of the Forest, representing the magnificent Baobab trees that are iconic across Africa. The Renala tree is also known as the Tree of Life.

These incredible, massive trees create their own ecosystems and thrive in dry and arid climates, a symbol of hope and possibility in landscapes where little can survive. This makes the Renala tree a powerful metaphor for your family’s ability to create a world-changing ecosystem that breaks the cycle of generational pain and trauma, challenges cultural narratives, and yields presence, joy, and connection for your family – and generations who follow.


Catalyze your family’s unique strengths into a shared vision

Take this free, 2-minute assessment to uncover your family’s unique genius, so you can unlock more joy and take next steps in designing your family vision.

Renala’s unique approach serves families by:


Playfully engaging each member of your family into a powerful vision, values, and purpose for your lives.

Starting with Renala’s 2-day Yes Retreat, your family learns how to awaken wonder and playfully collaborate on the present and future you are building together. 


Helping you design a life you love and a vision for the future, anchored in who each of you uniquely are.

We examine who you and every member of your family uniquely are – your identity, values, Strengths (using CliftonStrengths 34 and Explorer), needs, triggers, and more – enabling you to create a powerful vision that enables deeper connections, solves persistent conflict and challenges, and unlocks more joy. 


Helping you build a family culture of Interdependence.

Moving toward your family vision requires authenticity, vulnerability, ownership, and resilience. In embodying those qualities, you move from dependence, co-dependence, or independence into Interdependence, transforming your leadership at home, work, school, and beyond. 


Facilitating a supportive community of purpose-driven parents and families.

Following the Yes Retreat, Renala offers ongoing virtual group coaching and workshops, in community with other families, that enable you to align your lives to your vision, process challenges, and grow together. 

renala helps parents and  families who:

Are frustrated with the persistent guilt, overwhelm, and exhaustion

Want to create better systems of support by discovering who each of you truly are

Want to break the cycle of generational pain and hustle or comparison culture

Are desperate for deeper connection, presence, and joy with themselves and those they love most

Believe in the power of a family identity, vision, and values

Are open to rapid shifts that will transform your life story, family and legacy

Join the Yes Week Workshop

This summer, dare for one week to say “yes” to creativity, connection, and intention with your family, so you can unlock the life you want – every day.

It’s not about saying ‘yes’ to your kids. Yes Week is a revolutionary yet simple process for unlocking more presence, joy, and fulfillment in your personal, family, and work life.
Join this FREE one-hour, live workshop to learn how just one week this summer can transform the 51 weeks that follow – and change your family for generations to come.

Follow Renala Coaching

Hi, I’m Brittany.

I founded Renala with a vision to help more than one million parents and children step into genius leadership.

I am the wife of a newly retired Air Force pilot and a mom to two active children, ages 13 and 11. Amid frequent moves, deployments, and nearly going through a painful divorce in 2019, coaching saved my marriage and family.

I’m a certified transformational coach and facilitator who, over nearly 20 years, led vision and strategy development and transformational initiatives for dozens of the most well-known non-profits, companies, and government agencies.

I now bring all of that experience to Renala, developing playful and powerful coaching tools and experiences that enable families to transform the ways they understand and relate to one another, work together, and lead at home, work, and school.

take the next step

Book a free Family Future Discovery Call

In just 30 minutes, we’ll work together to dream up your ideal family life, assess the top 1-2 barriers to making that ideal possible, and outline Renala’s processes for helping each member of your family better understand and support one another on the journey toward a powerful vision for your lives.

Sign up for the FREE 5-Day Family Vision Challenge

In just 10-ish minutes a day over five days, work through powerful exercises and an on-demand video series to identify the hidden barriers holding you back from greater presence and joy with the people you love most – and a simple framework for creating a vision and strategy for your lives together.


Friday, September 15, 2023, 12pm ET

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Tuesday, September 19, 2023, 8pm ET

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Friday, September 22, 2023, 12pm ET

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Friday, September 29, 2023, 3pm ET

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